Monday, March 15, 2010

A Tale of Two Sons.... Youth Drama

Scene 1
As the lights come up on the side stage, the younger son [Will] is sitting alone. We hear his thoughts and get a glimpse into how he views his life. In the middle of this scene he gets up and begins to pace as he thinks. Will thinking I can’t take this anymore. [pause] Everyone thinks I have it made, all the money, all the privileges [pause] they have no clue how I feel, he’s always standing over my shoulder it seems like, making sure I do things right, look the right way, act the right way ... I just want some freedom to be myself, does anybody care about that? [pause] It just feels like I have no say in my future, ... I don’t know if I even want to go to college [pause] it really stinks having ‘Mr. Perfect’ as an older brother. - [sarcastically] why don’t you be more like your older brother, ...if I hear that one more time...I’m gonna explode! [longer pause] another Sunday, another plastic smile... everything’s great.... thing is, it’s their religion I’m living [pause] if anything is ever gonna change, I’m gonna have to start looking out for myself, taking are of number one [pause] maybe it’s time I do it my way for a change.... it’s my life.... if I just had the nerve to go tell him exactly what I think....... I’d get as far away from this place as I possibly could.... live a little!
Lights [slowly fade out]

Scene 2
Lights come up on center stage to reveal a living room setting, scene opens with dad sitting on couch reading Bible.
[10 seconds pass, as he flips the page]
Will I need to talk to you.
Father of course... [marks bible and lays it beside him]
Will I’m leaving..... I’m old enough and I want my own life....
Father Will, what’s bothering you?
Will I’m tires of all of the rules, be home by eleven, keep up your grades, careful who you hang out with....
Father Without good grades you’ll not get into the best college.... [gets cut off by Will]
Will Like Gabe right, like Gabe. Mr 4.o - Mr. Perfect - I’m sick of that to - always being compared to my older brother.... I can’t stand the self-righteous jerk. And here’s a newsflash for ya, I’m not even going to college!
Father I’ve sacrificed a lot to secure your future, we’ve put back over 100,000 dollars for your college....
Will Yeah, and I was thinking [seems to calm down] why not just give me my college money now and let me start my own life! And my savings and my stocks........and the Range Rover - I drive it all the time anyway..........
Father What about your family, your church family.....
Will I’m done with it OK
Father Done....
Will Yeah, done...... I could care less about this town, my church family is a fraud anyway.... and who would even miss me from this family..... I never felt like a part of this family anyway. [pause] and as for you [pointing finger in face] I wish you were dead........ if I never see you or this family again it would be fine with me.
If I disgrace this family, fine.......
Father [Turns away, hesitates for 9-10 seconds] If that’s what you want, I’ll do it. {pause} it will take a couple of days to cash out those accounts......
Will [storms out of room]
Father [Walks back to couch, gently kneels and prays as light dim]

Scene 3 [Will is seen packing his bags on side stage - ]
I’m outta here, maybe I’ll head to New Orleans, maybe Vegas..... doesn’t really matter as long as it’s far away from this place, bible belt - whatever-bunch of hippocrits. No more church people staring down their noses at me [pause] no more you need to take care of this, do that, be home by 11..... I’ll be my own boss.... [if I want to stay out til 2, I will! [pause] I’ll spend my money how I like! [it’s not like anybody will miss me anyway!]
..........closes small bag and heads out side door........ as lights dim and rise over father sitting in living room. Then Will re-enters middle aisle door and approaches father as older brother stands by, arms crossed. He walks up to father and simply sticks his hand out.... the father places a set of keys and envelope in his hands.... there is a 5 second pause as they just stare at each other...
Father You don’t have to do this.....
Will Have a nice life!
then Will turns and begins to walk away.
Father I love you son.....
Will Whatever...........[very sarcastically] Then crashes out back door, father looks out....then lights fade
Scene 4 [on the overhead we see an airport flight schedule with a flight to New Orleans, we hear an overhead page as a ticket checker stewardess stands near the front foyer aisle door. Will comes hurriedly in to check in get his seat assignment.]
Stewardess Will Barkley?
Will Yep
Stewardess Do you have any checked baggage?
Will Not a thing.... just this carry on
Stewardess One way to New Orleans?
Will That’s right!
Stewardess Great Mr. Barkley, You’ll be in seat 1A, First class... [Hands him ticket stub]
Will [As he walks up aisle toward plane, he says to self almost] First class.......
[on stage he sets down in First class seat and stretches out a little, then the stewardess comes by and brings him a glass of wine, shortly a young woman comes and sits down in 1B]
Young Lady [Kaci] [looking at Will, sizing him up] Well, you’re not heading home... no way you’re from New Orleans. First time I bet!
Will First time....[in agreement]
Kaci Visiting family.......[Will nods no] Business?
Will Just ready to get out of town.... not in any trouble, just ready. SO ready in fact that I’m paying someone to drive my Range Rover to New Orleans. The drive would have been too long of a wait!
Kaci I understand running [seems to stop and reflect on own troubles] what are you looking for in New Orleans then......
Will Pleasure..... I’m looking for a little leg room, things were getting a little cramped back home- just looking to enjoy life a little without somebody trying to live it for me......
Kaci New Orleans is the place to do it....... Nobody knows or cares what you do there. Vegas says what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas..... but what happens in New Orleans, you don’t even remember the next day....
Will That’s what I’m talking about....[pause] so what’s your story?
Kaci My business is pleasure so to speak..... but if I tell anymore than that I’d hafta kill ya!
Will Hmmmm.... Maybe I need to look you up after I get settled in [she hands him a business card]

[pilot is heard over, intercom. Evening...welcome aboard flight 5160 non-stop from Lexington to New Orleans....looks like we’re in line next for take off, make sure you’re buckled in and have secured any carry on items. Looks like we should be in the air just over 2 hours with perfect weather conditions, sit back and enjoy your ride.
[10 second delay and then sound of plane taking of Is heard.............then lights dim]

Scene 5 [wall is set up on drum side of stage with trees and bushes to make it look like outside...]
Party Music is heard.[in background] Then lights come on to display 3-4 [guys only] people sitting in an apartment living room. There are red cups and brown ‘root beer’ bottles. The people are mingling and having a good time. Will is dressed nicely with an expensive looking watch.. Door bell’s the pizza guy. Will answers the door. Collects the pizza and pays the delivery guy.

Pizza Guy Looks like a nice party...
Will Man, my whole life’s a party... [here’s an extra 10 for your trouble!] shuts door and dances back inside..... sits pizza down..... one of the guys at the party opens the lid and looks down at the pizza
[for 30 seconds there is lively mingling, laughing, conversations....
Wills cell phone rings, then he steps outside. [music lowers]
Will hey this is Will....
Kaci Hey, just wondered if you were settled in yet.... thought I’d give you a call...
Will Kaci.... Kaci from the plane right? Funny that you should call, we’re just hanging out we’d love to have you come by........ 1417 Lancaster Blvd...
Kaci Should I bring some friends....
Will Wouldn’t have it any other way.... [then hangs up, walks back inside]
hey guys, now things are really getting cranked up......... we’re about to have some company...
[A knock is heard at the door] Will opens it ....
Random person Hey Will, man just needed to borrow a few bucks..... I’ll get you back..
Will Man, you know you won’t pay me back, so just take it....and whatever.... [He pulls a roll of cash from his pocket, and peels off several bills.]
Random person You are the man..... [fist bump, then he takes off...while Will goes back inside]
[30 seconds of random conversation with the guys and then Kaci shows up and rings doorbell.... before Will gets the door he gets hand slaps from a couple of the guys and then gathers himself, straightens his shirt and opens the door. It is Kaci and 2-3 of her friends..... Will welcomes them in. They mingle for a minute and then....]
Kaci How about some music guys........ [dance music then begins to play as they... begin to dance] Then Will removes the money wad from his pocket and begins to shower it over each of the girls. They individually do nothing with the money until he moves to the next girl then they bend over and pick up every single bill]
[insert something here to show some time has passed] Maybe dim the lights and stop the music....
[when lights come back up Will is saying goodnight to all of the girls and letting them out the door, they tell him how much fun they had...etc. he stands staring after them as they walk away [10-15 seconds] when he turns back around it is deadly silent and all of the guys are passed out on the floor, he looks at them silently for a 10-12 seconds then the lights go down.]
[after 30 seconds of light underscore and darkness in the sanctuary, a loud knock is heard at the door, then the lights come back up..... Will is woken by the knocking, which repeats itself and slowly walks to the door.]
Landlord : It’s Monday morning... cash in advance just like we agreed. 500 bucks....
Will [digging through his pockets, he come sup with only on crumpled dollar bill and a few pennies....
Landlord Are you serious....?
Will I’m good for it, you know that right?
Landlord You’ve got about 1 day to be good for it, or you’ll be living under the bridge with a newspaper for a cover. I’m running a business here, not a charity..
Will I’ll get it..
Landlord 1 day, I’m serious.............. [then he walks off]
Will [Will walks back inside....the guys have woke up and are rubbing their heads......]
Guy 1 What’s that all about man, you’ve got money flowing outta you...what’s he gripping about....
Will [holds out crumpled bill and change]... you call that flowing?
Guy 1 anyway... I gotta get outta here.. [grabs jacket and walks out side door]
Will [speaking to other guy] can you guys float me a few dollars.... just til I get back on my feet a little...
Guy2 We don’t have no money man...
Guy3 yeah, why you think we’ve been hanging out with you - cause you’re such an awesome guy..... whatever....I’ve got my own life to worry about......
[they both head out the door]
Will What.... you jerks! [They leave and he stands there with hands on head and then sits with head in hands.] As he thinks.... now what? I’m actually broke, never planned for that? No way I’m gonna go crawling back to dad.... [10 sec pause] you know, no big deal, I can get myself outta this mess, all it will take is a little work, surely I can get a job doing something.....I don’t need anyone to carry me.. I can take care of myself..... [optional..... gets sick in trash can from hangover....
[lights go down]

Scene: The older son at home...
[Scene opens as Gabe is placing song books in church pews [mechanical mood]....
Gabe (to self) To think I used to enjoy doing this [pause] now it’s just like another job to get done. [he pauses and holds a bible in his hand, thinking] if Will hadn’t ran off ......[raises Bible and then lowers in frustration] I guess I can at least get some satisfaction out of knowing I’m doing the right thing, trying to live a respectable least I didn’t throw my’ [emphasis’] reputation away..... [he walks over and plugs in the vacuum which is near the chairs and actually begins to vacuum for about a minute... under the chairs etc.]
Father walks in behind and son is unaware [this happens after he begins to vacuum] The father watches as the son finishes vacuuming.

Gabe (as he turns off the vacuum he begins to think out-loud again) Sometimes I get so mad at Will, [pause] I still can’t believe dad just gave in to him and let him have what he wanted, and now he’s off doing who knows what... [Pause] [he bends down and begins to wrap the cord for vacuum]
At least I can lay down at night and know that I am a good person......
[Father walks up behind Gabe and he notices him there, he is surprised but stands]

Father Gabe....[pause].... I know that you’ve had to take on added responsibility since Will left, it’s greatly effected us all..... [pause] we just have to keep praying for him..

Gabe I know I’m supposed to, but I sure don’t feel like I want to.... He made a mockery of you.... He threw his life away. He’s as good as dead to me........ [pause] I’m sorry, I shouldn’t talk that way to you....

Father I just want to make sure you don’t over do it.... let’s take some time and just spend together. It will give you a chance to relax and give us a chance to talk, we’ve not really spoken much in a long time...

Gabe We talk all the time. We talk about how to deal with finances, things we’re doing at church, taking care of work around the house...... Making sure I have my priorities right for graduate school.......

Father I mean just sit down and talk and enjoy spending time together... I miss that.

Gabe You know, after I get through with my day I guess I just don’t feel much like conversation, I’m always wore out or stressed out I just want to rest....... When I get done with what I have to do.....[pause]
I haven’t even been out with my friends in months......
[lights dim, music begins]

Scene #6
lights come up on center stage as Will is sitting on the floor with a scrub brush in his hand scrubbing the floor, there is a bucket beside him that he drags along as he goes, scooting and scrubbing as he goes. There is a large trash can in the background. Background music or background restaurant sounds are heard. This goes on for a full 2-3 minutes. Wills’ mood is defeated and reflective. After a few minutes a man comes through and tosses a large bag of trash in the can, and then walks off. Will continues to scrub and then looks at the trash can. Slowly he rises and walks over to the trash can. He bends over into it and is scene digging through it.. He pulls out an already eaten chicken leg and stands looking at it [there is a pause here for dramatic effect..........then the lights slowly fade to black]

  SCENE ....Warming by the fire, coming to his senses
[Scene opens as Will is standing with 2 other homeless people around an old barrel warming his hands ‘light in barrel’ and thinking about life...... after 30 seconds the other 2 homeless people wander off and he is left only to his thoughts!... He is wearing the same thing that he will wear in the hitchiking scene]
Will turns to audience and speaks his thoughts [holds conversation with self]

Will [rubbing hands together.....] Just look at me.... I’ve got all the freedom I could ever want, and I’m more miserable than I’ve ever been. [pause] I’m so hungry that I wish I could just have the scraps out of the trash.... I remember that even the people who did the simplest tasks for my dad, he always took care of them.... I must have been out of my mind........[pause] only a few months ago I wished he was dead, now I’d give anything to see him again...... [pause] I’m not gonna just stand here and die, I’ve gotta get home somehow and ask him to forgive me, I don’t deserve to be even called his son, but maybe he’ll just let me work as a laborer..... I’m gonna say dad..... I have sinned against you and against God, I don’t deserve your forgiveness but I’m begging you for [pause] Yeah, that’s what I’m gonna do.....and I’m starting now, even if I have to walk the whole way!
[walks off stage as lights dim]

Josh Song?\

The Long Road Home [Play Prodigal by Casting Crowns] Sound of cars driving by.....
This will be on first pictures of Will hitch-hiking in new Orleans, Alabama, Tenn....these will all be doctored pictures.... and then we will go to actual video of Will hitch-hiking along a local road.... we will need people to drive by and not pick him up, and then stage someone to pick him up....time song to end as he gets in and video switches to back seat of car....
Hitch-hikes on the way home. Conversation with driver recounts his mistakes and extreme desire to seek the forgiveness of his father........along with him being unsure that it will happen.
Driver: Get in,

Will: (exhausted- gets in car and shakes drivers hand.....) Thanks for the lift, I’ve come a long way...

Driver : Where ya need to go?

Will It’s near Hustonville, are you familiar...

Driver No, Just headed to Louisville... but I think it’s on the way... you’ll just have to let me know?

Will Yeah {30 second pause}

Driver I think you maybe stepped in something back there?

Will No, actually that’s me, {pops shirt} been on the road for almost a week.... same clothes.... sorry.

Driver A week? How far have you come....

Will Seems like an eternity.... been in New Orleans....

Driver Never been, heard it’s wild though...

Will Sin City south....

Driver If this is too personal just let me know, but do you even have anywhere to stay when you get where you’re going.... I mean

Will I’ve been wondering that the whole way home..... [looks out side window as he pauses for 10 seconds] I’ve burned a lot of bridges.... [pause] hurt a lot of people that care for me...

Driver I hear ya..

Will In the last few months I’ve wasted every dime my dad saved for my college, without one thing to show for it but a whole lot of guilt [pause] the last words I said to my dad were I wish you were dead..... [pause] My life is a mess, and I’m totally to blame for it....... [I don’t even think that I would forgive me]

Driver Sounds like it would be mighty hard to go home..... You haven’t even called ahead?

Will No..... [pause]....what I need to say needs to be face to face....... Besides, if he doesn’t forgive me [pause] then I’m as good as dead.... my future is completely dependent on His mercy....

Driver I hear ya....

Will [takes in deep breath]
about a minute of driving w/o conversation, maybe fade in a little background music and the fade out as Will points...

Will That’s me here....just let me out here [car pulls over at end of road]
Will [slowly gathers self and opens door, hesitantly, then gets out of car... is seen facing house] this will be video from across street to get car and Will... then car pulls off and Will begins to walk down drive toward house.....

Dramatic score here

Scene The Father is watching
[lights come up as father lays Bible down and walks to doorway, standing in doorway, he stare off into the distance, someone is seen dusting in the living room, a servant] this is held for 2 minutes as song is played [When God the 1:03 mark ‘the only time I ever saw Him run.............then the Father says...

Father Will? [servant runs over] Will enters back door......
Will! [runs down middle aisle and throws his arms around Will.... servant runs right behind] they embrace as music continues............until the 1:29 point in song and then it fades out.

Will Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’

Father his servant, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Prepare a feast like this town has never seen before.... we’re going to celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’
[servant runs off as father embraces son again.... servant returns with a white robe, ring and sandals..... Will was barefooted]
servant hands these to the Father and He stoops to place sandals on his feet, places ring on his finger, and finally wraps the pure white robe around his filthy son.]

Father to servant [spread the word of this celebration...invite many]
to Will.......let’s celebrate..... as they walk off together....lights fade Quick transition

The Older Son is Ticked
[before the lights come up a angry voice is heard...
Gabe What is all of this? [as lights come up we see Gabe walking up to the house, the servant walks up behind him] Why do I hear music as if a celebration is going on?

Servant #1 It’s Will.... he’s returned. And your father has welcomed him back with open arms, he threw his arms around him and kissed him...... and now he is throwing a huge celebration party to mark his return!
[The father hears this commotion and goes outside to talk to Gabe]

Father Gabe, great news......It’s Will, he’s back

Gabe Good News? He comes dragging back in her with the stench of his sin all over him. Clothes that smell like beer and barely hanging on his body and you embrace him like that. Even before he even tried to clean himself up? He cursed you and made an absolute mockery of you and now you're gonna just act like nothing ever happened and forgive him? Don't you remember the shame you have had to endure...........
Father Gabe.. Please come in and welcome your brother....

Gabe No....he deserves to be punished! He should have to pay for the pain he’s caused! He didn’t even care if you were dead or alive... he spit in your face...... He can’t get away with that! How can you honor him when he has been so dishonorable?

Father But he’s your brother, aren’t you glad he has returned?

Gabe While he was gone I never even had time to do anything with my friends, I did all the jobs you gave me, I was the perfect son, and you never even offered to let me even have a small party with my friends.... not even when I graduated college! [pause] but here comes Will..... who took off and left us with all of that while he was off blowing all of your money on hookers and you throw him a party like he’s a prince!

Father are my son.... everything I own has always been yours, you are always with me.....
But Will was dead and now he is alive.... He was lost, and now is found.... reaching hands out toward a stubborn looking Gabe.... {the lights dim}
dramatic music plays..................... [after a minute lights come up as crew and actors stand on stage]


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